Over 10 years ago, my grandmother (Mom-Mom) - the matriarch of the crazy family in the picture above was taken from us before many of us even had the chance to say goodbye. She was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer and within 10 days of her diagnosis she passed away. This all happened just 2 months before my bat mitzvah, so I immediately decided to honor her life for a moment that we all wanted her so badly to be there for. This is what led me to sharsheret.
I am so grateful to be able to honor my Mom-Mom once again by running the Chicago Marathon with team Sharsharet. This organization means so much to me and my family as a way to support Jewish women and families who suffer from and deal with the heart-wrenching repercussions of loss from ovarian cancer. Thank you in advance for your support!
Ally Merwitz
Nov 26, 2024
Illinois, US