Deena Bloom's Fundraiser

Deena Bloom's Fundraiser

Dear Friends and Family,

As many of you know, last year a friend convinced me to run the Miami Half (shoutout to you, Stef!!). I trained hard but doubted my ability right up until the race. I had never run more than 10 miles (and that had been a few years prior!), and had never participated in any sort of organized or methodical training or nutrition plan! So I began training...and every run was a struggle. With the encouragement of both family and friends, I kept at it and managed to log some significant mileage.

On the morning of the event, I was understandably nervous and feeling the adrenaline pumping hard. My plan? Some good tunes and ignore the fatigue. Around the halfway mark, just as I started to feel the Miami sun beating down on me and that "ooh, this is tough" feeling setting in, I heard the screams "Deena!! Go Deena!!! Go, Go, Go!!!" (Shoutout to you, Jenny!) and just knew I'd make it. The next few miles flew by, and by the time I realized I was at the 11 mile mark, I knew I would be a finisher. (Shoutout to Chani & Sid for braving the traffic to meet me at the finish line!!) I knew I'd run the half again, but sought to make the training runs and race even more meaningful.

This year, I will be an official member of Team Sharsheret for the 2025 Life Time Miami Marathon and Half. Sharsheret is a national not-for-profit organization supporting women and families at high risk and those facing breast and ovarian cancer at every stage-before, during, and after diagnosis. I am inspired to undertake this rigorous challenge in honor of all the women (and their families) that find the strength to fight against these diseases every day. I continually hear about the wonderful resource Sharsheret is for so many both locally and nationally. I have already started training, and I know I can make a difference by taking on this personal challenge and joining with the other members of Team Sharsheret.

As a member of this incredible Team, I have pledged to raise funds (which I hope to greatly exceed!) in support of Sharsheret's breast cancer and ovarian cancer programs and services. I am asking you to please support me in my athletic and fundraising efforts as I take on this challenge. 

Please don’t forget to ask for corporate matching gifts as well! All contributions are tax-deductible. Thank you all so much, in advance, for your support!

Tizku L'mitzvot,


Honor Roll


Rami Dennis
Aug 14, 2024
Connecticut, US


Graeme Bean
Aug 13, 2024
Colorado, US


Yael Margalit
Jul 30, 2024
New York, US

“Go Deena Go!!!”


Stephanie Wasserman
Jul 30, 2024
New Jersey, US

“way to go!!”


Daron Yemini
Jul 28, 2024
New York, US


Eric Lowenstein
Jul 26, 2024
New York, US


simcha goldkrantz
Jul 26, 2024
New York, US


Jul 25, 2024
New York, US


Sarah Blum
Jul 24, 2024
New Jersey, US


Jul 24, 2024
New York, US

“lets gooooooo f**k cancer”


Samuel Alkoubey
Jul 24, 2024
Florida, US

“dedicating this donation in memory of my father, Chananya Ben Alexander Z”L. Thank you for providing the opportunity to fulfill more mitzvot and to Sharsheret for their amazing work!”


Judith Gang
Jul 24, 2024
New Jersey, US

“you rock”


Sidney Weiser
Jul 24, 2024
Florida, US


Jul 24, 2024
New Jersey, US


David Semmelman
Jul 24, 2024
New Jersey, US

“go Deena”


Mimi Bengio
Jul 24, 2024
Florida, US

“To the ultimate renaissance, who never shies away froma challenge!”


Sari Sheinfeld
Jul 24, 2024
New Jersey, US

“Go get 'em Deena B”


Steven Newman
Jul 24, 2024
Florida, US

“corporate matching please”


Tammy Schreiber
Jul 23, 2024
New York, US

“Go Deena!!!”


Erika Novick
Jul 23, 2024
Florida, US


Tobi Abrahamson
Jul 22, 2024
New Jersey, US

“In honor of Leah bat Esther and Yocheved Tamar bat Nechama- Two of the strongest women I know!!”


Deena Bloom
Jul 22, 2024
Florida, US

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22 donors

Fundraiser created by
Deena Bloom
Florida, United States


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