Ellin Gurvitch's Fundraiser

Ellin Gurvitch's Fundraiser

Honor Roll

“Good Luck! Rebekah & Jeremy”


Jeremy Gurvitch
Aug 18, 2024
Florida, US


Lillian Rishty
Aug 18, 2024
New York, US


Jori Holloway
Aug 18, 2024
New York, US


Dena and Avishai Don
Aug 18, 2024
New York, US

“keep up the great work ellin!”


Aaron Zelikovich
Aug 18, 2024
Indiana, US

“We are very proud of you!! Love, Uncle Neil and Aunt Aimee”


Neil Gurvitch
Aug 18, 2024
District of Columbia, US

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6 donors

Fundraiser created by
Ellin Gurvitch


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