My Team Sharsheret Miami Half Marathon Fundraising Page

My Team Sharsheret Miami Half Marathon Fundraising Page

Hello family and friends. Once upon a time I was a younger runner who completed 7 full marathons and twice that amount in 1/2 marathons. For all marathons, I raised money for cancer research without knowing I carried with me such a personal connection to the possibility of cancer. That was before my marriage to Philippe, 6 rounds of fertility treatments, and becoming a mother to two babies in one year! Ten years passed, and randomly at a Sharsheret breast health educational event at my synagogue, I took a genetic blood test and a month later learned I carried the BRCA 1 mutation. That was February 2023. And in the year and a half that followed, I've undergone 4 preventative surgeries to virtually eliminate my risk of breast, ovarian and uterine cancer. Throughout my entire journey, my family and me received an incredible amount of support from Sharsheret. I decided that I have more running to do. I am combining my passion for running and my passion for Sharsheret, and I am running the Miami Half Marathon with Team Sharsheret and raising money so we can continue to educate Jewish women on their cancer risks. My fundraising goal is $1800. Will you please help me smash this number by donating whatever you feel comfortable to my cause? Your support means so much to me. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Honor Roll


Marilyn Tache
Sep 18, 2024
Florida, US


Rachel Bronfeld
Sep 13, 2024
Florida, US

“You go girl!”


Stacy Korchak
Sep 12, 2024
Florida, US


Rachelle Lewinger
Sep 11, 2024
Florida, US

“Way to go Stacey!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻”


Samantha Adler
Sep 11, 2024
Florida, US


Andrea Leibowitz
Sep 10, 2024
Florida, US


Sarah Jacoby
Sep 9, 2024
Florida, US

“You are an inspiration to us all!”


Gabrielle Kuzniecky
Sep 4, 2024
Florida, US

“go stacey!”


Farrah Izsak
Sep 3, 2024
Florida, US

“kol hakavod!”


Natalie Dayan
Aug 31, 2024
Florida, US


Lauren Stamm
Aug 29, 2024
Florida, US


Avi Naider
Aug 28, 2024
Florida, US

“Go girl go!”


Kass Fialkoff
Aug 28, 2024
Florida, US

“kol hakavod Stacey”


Melissa Frommer
Aug 27, 2024
Florida, US

“Good luck Stacey! Jamie & Menashe”


Menashe Frank
Aug 27, 2024
Florida, US

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15 donors

Fundraiser created by
Stacey Lieberman
Florida, United States


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