BRCA, Breast and Ovarian Cancer Screening, and the Health Disparities that Increase Risk in the LGBTQ+ Community


Sharsheret invites our LGBTQ+ community and allies to join us for a discussion about breast and ovarian cancer and the health disparities that can increase your risk.


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Date & Time

Thursday, June 27 at 8 PM ET/5 PM PT

Sharsheret invites our LGBTQ+ community and allies to join us for a discussion about breast and ovarian cancer and the health disparities that can increase your risk. Hear from Dr. BJ Rimel, MD, Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Cedars-Sinai, and Dr. Farin Amersi, MD, Breast Oncology Surgeon, Cedars-Sinai, who will discuss screening guidelines, the science behind genetic predispositions, and disparities the LGBTQ+ community faces in this healthcare space.
Questions? Contact Leora Herman.


Presented with support from:


Thank you to our community partners:




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