Learn the latest in how hereditary cancer risk impacts men, what cancers are of particular concern, and screening options available to be proactive about your health.
Zoom Link Sent Upon Registration
Thursday, November 18th 8:30 PM EST/5:30 PM PST
For questions, please contact Jenna Fields.
This webinar is made possible with generous support from:
The Max and Anna Baran, Ben and Sarah Baran and Milton Baran Endowment Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles; The Siegmund and Edith Blumenthal Memorial Fund,
By joining this program I understand and acknowledge that Sharsheret is not providing medical advice. Additionally, I release and waive Sharsheret from any liability in the event of any accident or injury I may incur either during the course of this webinar or in performing any of the activities discussed during the same.