Paws for a Cause


Join us to walk a 1 mile loop with or without a dog to raise awareness about Sharsheret. Add extra steps to visit Cancer Survivors Plaza within the park.


Al Lopez Park, 4810 N Himes Avenue, Tampa, FL 33416

Date & Time

Sunday, March 3, 2024 9am, check-in begins at 8am

This is a dog friendly event! For everyone's safety, we ask that:

  • Only well mannered, vaccinated dogs are in attendance
  • Please clean up after your pet
  • No retractable leashes allowed

For more information or to volunteer, please contact Deborah Litwak at [email protected].

*Disclaimer: By joining this program I understand and acknowledge that Sharsheret is not providing medical advice. Additionally, I release and waive Sharsheret from any liability in the event of any accident or injury I may incur during the course of this activity. 


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