Join us for an opportunity to rest and reset at Sharsheret’s quarterly Shalom, Shabbat! program.
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Date & Time
Friday, October 13th at 12:30pm EST/9:30am PST

Join us this Friday at 12:30 pm EDT/9:30 am PDT for a 30 minute, extra Shalom, Shabbat program. We will join together to process the difficult past week and provide support to one another. World events, in addition to cancer, may feel like an almost impossible load to bear. Shera Dubitsky, special advisor to our Clinical Team, will join us to discuss reacting to trauma, We'll have healing music, and more.
For more information or questions, please contact Rachel Teicher.
By joining this program I understand and acknowledge that Sharsheret is not providing medical advice. Additionally, I release and waive Sharsheret from any liability in the event of any accident or injury I may incur either during the course of this webinar or in performing any of the activities discussed during the same.
Please Note: Sharsheret recommends consulting your medical provider before making any modifications to your routine.