Join us as we come together for Sharsheret’s 5th Annual Pre-Passover experience!
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Friday, April 12th, 12:30 Eastern/9:30 Pacific
Join us as we come together for Sharsheret’s 5th Annual Pre-Passover experience! At this year’s UnSeder, we’ll focus on the impact of 'four' and how that can help us understand the Passover legacy and deal with a cancer diagnosis. Please join us for Passover insights, music, and much more. We are excited to welcome Jane Shapiro, Founding Director of Orot: Center for New Jewish Learning, and Shera Dubitsky, Sharsheret's former Director of Support Services and current advisor to the clinical team, to this year's UnSeder.
For more information, contact Melissa Rosen.
Presented with support from Cooperative Agreement 19-1906 of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and
By joining this program I understand and acknowledge that Sharsheret is not providing medical advice. Additionally, I release and waive Sharsheret from any liability in the event of any accident or injury I may incur either during the course of this webinar or in performing any of the activities discussed during the same.
Please Note: Sharsheret recommends consulting your medical provider before making any modifications to your routine.